Angelina Jolie and Maddox Shops At Borders

Posted by abohan Selasa, 14 Agustus 2007 0 komentar
Angelina Jolie smiles at fans after picking up books and CDs at Borders Book and Music store bookstore with son Maddox, 6, on Sunday near her downtown Chicago hotel.Motorcyclist-to-be Maddox (with a new mini-mohawk and losing all of his baby teeth) was seen with a dinosaur tattoos on his arm and wore a t-shirt by Indian Larry, a noted bike builder, stuntman, and innovator in the world of...

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Brangelina & Kids Visits The Field Museum

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
The entire Jolie-Pitt family went to the Field Museum in Chicago, IL.The family had an SUV waiting for them as they exited the museum. As they were leaving, Brad was carrying Zahara and holding Pax’s hand while Angelina carried Shiloh with Maddox pushing the stroll...

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Suri Cruise The New Face of Baby Gap

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
TomKat & Suri Cruise Out & About In Berlin Suri Cruise is to become a star in her own right after she was signed as the new face of Baby Gap, according to reports.Proud parents Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes were reportedly offered a lucrative modeling contract by the clothes chain for their 16-month-old daughter to front an upcoming campaign.Suri's first photoshoot was in October 2006...

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Lindsay Lohan Does Elle Magazine

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
HQ Scans from Linds-Lo If you haven't had enough of Lindsay Lohan, well try reading this very long article of nonsense brought to you by Elle Magazine. Lindsay is wearing a satin dress from Donna Karan Collection with jewelries from De Beers, Neil Lane and H.Stern. I'm so sick of Lindsay but then again I can't help but post stories of her (it's my job), she's just so over...

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Victoria Beckham To Play A Fat Bridesmaid In 'Ugly Betty'

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
The super-thin Spice Girl - who will star as herself in the special episode of the hit comedy about a glossy fashion magazine - will shock audiences by turning up to the on screen wedding in a fat suit, pretending to have gorged on calorific treats since her move to America.An insider at the ABC network said: "Everybody at the wedding will be expecting skinny beautiful Posh to show up."But they'll...

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Angelina Jolie To Adopt Another Child From Ethiopia

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
Angelina Jolie and Zahara Jolie-Pitt Sighting in Chicago Angelina Jolie and her long-term partner Brad Pitt - whose relationship is rumored to be going through a rocky patch - are reportedly planning to travel to the African country to find a fourth disadvantaged child they can give a home to.The couple - who are already adoptive parents to six-year-old Cambodian boy Maddox, Vietnamese son...

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Hey Everyone!

Posted by abohan Selasa, 07 Agustus 2007 0 komentar
My relatives just came down from Canada & San Francisco and It seems like I'll be going on a 5 day vacation with them. I'll be in Palm Springs for three days and two days in Las Vegas. I promise to update when I can, don't forget to check back once & a while.Best Wishes,I...

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Lindsay Lohan's Sex Scenes Anger Her Dad

Posted by abohan Minggu, 05 Agustus 2007 0 komentar
Lindsay Lohan's father Michael is too scared to watch his daughter's new movie - after storming out of a screening of her last film Georgia Rule when she appeared in a sex scene.Estranged dad Michael can't bear to watch the 21-year-old in love scenes and fears I Know Who Killed Me will leave him fleeing the movie theatre in tears.He tells In Touch magazine, "I go to every one of her movies. I had...

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Catherine Zeta-Jones: 'I Can't Boil An Egg'

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
"No Reservations" New York City Premiere Catherine Zeta-Jones is disappointed she finds it impossible to master the art of boiling an egg.The Welsh actress plays a chef in new restaurant-based romantic comedy No Reservations, but insists she's not much use in the kitchen in real life.She says, "You know, I still can't boil an egg. I never get it runny enough if I want it runny, and I never...

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