Lindsay Lohan's Superhero Photo Shoot for Harper's Bazaar

Posted by abohan Jumat, 08 Februari 2008 0 komentar
I think Lindsay Lohan did a pretty good job at this shoot especially since their main theme is to make it look like candids, it's almost as if she's a totally different person.Harpers Baz...

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Heath Ledger's Apartment is for Rent

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
Looking for a spiffy new place? Corcoran has got just the thing! A three-bedroom, two-bath, 4,400-square-foot space with a gourmet kitchen, office, and balcony overlooking the heart of Soho. Amenities include fifteen-foot tin ceilings, cast-iron columns, exposed-brick walls, a wood-burning fireplace, and one unique feature that will really impress your friends and co-workers: It's the very apartment...

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