Geekly Chic: Celebrity News: Bella Thorne Teams Up With IM5 For Music Video

Posted by abohan Selasa, 27 November 2012 0 komentar
So our beloved Bella Thorne is making a new music video for the song "Can't Stay Away' . It's a really good song! You should check it out! Well, YH (Young Hollywood) went to the video shoot and interviewed the group with Bella. They talked about the theme of the video and they also talked about their life in school.. Check it out: us what you think! Will it be a success?...

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Geekly Chic: Celebrity News: Battle through Twitter stopped!

Posted by abohan Sabtu, 24 November 2012 0 komentar
It seems that the boys were just kidding.. The conversation continued online in Twitter and Zayn and Max looks like that they are good.. Check it out:...

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Geekly Chic: Celebrity News: Battle through Twitter?

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
So on the 20th of November, Max from the Wanted, posted a photo of him and Usher Raimond.. But it seems that somebody didn't like it! Looks like Zayn Malik of 1D didn't like it! Zayn commented on Max's photo: "geek.." ! And the same day Max from The Wanted posted a photo with him and Psy! And Zayn commented again : "the first step is acceptable #geekoftheweek" ! Of course Max answered and the conversation...

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Geekly Chic: Celebrity News: Lady Gaga 's adventurous Thanks Giving night!

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
Lady Gaga got quite the Thanksgiving surprise when she went naked to the kitchen for a snack late Thursday.She found three dozen fans hiding in the garage of the house where she’s staying while on tour in Peru. Early Friday, Gaga tweeted, “#MONSTERFACT when gaga is asleep try to break into the garage, sing loud as possible, + ring the doorbell repeatedly #happeningnow #bad kids.” She explained,...

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Geekly Chic: Celebrity News: Adam Irigoyen's "School Girl" becoming a trend worldwide!

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
The Shake It Up actor - dancer Adam Irigoyen is becoming more famous day by day! Congratulations to the one an only Adam Irigoyen! The song "School Girl" is becoming more and more famous everyday! It's continuing with becoming a trend in Twitter! #SchoolGirl ! Also, the song is getting massive downloads on iTunes! Congratulations! The song is absolutely fabulous and you should get it on iTunes:...

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Geekly Chic: Celebrity news: Taylor Swift 's Is Thankful about...

Posted by abohan Jumat, 23 November 2012 0 komentar
So Geekly Chics, Taylor Swift posted a tweet yesterday that was saying: "I'm thankful for friendships like this"! There was also a photo of her and her cat! So cute! She looks absolutely gorgeous and of course her cat it SO CUTE!!! What do you say? Write a comment bellow to tell us!Follow in Twitter: @IfigeniaAristidLike in Facebook: Geekly Chic World...

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Geekly Chic: Celebrity News: Bella Thorne 's Thanks Giving Day

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
Bella Thorne 's Thanks Giving DayWell everyone we finally gathered all the pictures we needed for Bella Thorne's Thanks Giving dinner! In the morning sweet Bella helped at the LA Mission and then she helped her family to make the thanks giving dinner, with her sister! Really nice of her, and we really hope she is a good cook! Just kidding! And some pies were eaten! Anyways cute Bella took a Thanks...

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Geekly Chic: Fashion: SNOOKI SPIKES

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
SNOOKI SPIKESSo people, we 're all wishing Nicolle Pollizzi a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And we all wanna talk about her new spike hairband, which is actually SO COOL! Write your comment bellow to leave Snooki a happy birthday wish! And check the spike hairband:Get it at: in Twitter: @IfigeniaAristidLike in Facebook: Geekly Chic World...

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Geekly Chic: Disney News: “Austin & Ally” Crossover With “Jessie” Premieres On Disney Channel December 7, 2012!

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
“Austin & Ally” Crossover With “Jessie” Premieres On Disney Channel December 7, 2012!So people! We all know that Austin's dream is to sing for the New Years Eve at The Times Square! And he will actually! But Austin and the gang are going to meet the Ross family on their way there! Watch the promo: Ifigenia AristidouFollow in Twitter: @IfigeniaAristidLike in Facebook:...

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Geekly Chic: Celebrity News: TWEET 2 MEET JLO!

Posted by abohan Kamis, 22 November 2012 0 komentar
TWEET 2 MEET JLO!So everyone, Jennifer Lopez tweeted a minute ago about a small competition so a lucky fan can meet her! Check it out and if you want to participate you can!Follow in Twitter: @IfigeniaAristid...

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Geekly Chic: Disney News: MEET STEFANIE SCOTT

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
MEET STEFANIE SCOTTSo everyone, Stephanie Scott is gonna be in Texas tomorrow Nov 23 and if you wanna meet her you can go! She will be signing autographs for her fans! More info on the picture below!Follow in Twitter: @IfigeniaAristidLike in Facebook: Geekly Chic WorldSuscribe in Youtube: Ifigenia Aristidou...

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Geekly Chic: Celebrity News: ELIXIR BY SHAKIRA

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
So Geekly Chics sorry for not posting for so long but frim niw own I'm gonna be active to the news!--------------------------------------ELIXIR BY SHAKIRASo our latin singer Shakira got a new perfume goin' on! The name is "Elixir". Strange name for a perfume, it sounds like those stories with the bad witch.. But if she likes it, we all do! Shakira posted about her perfumes commercial yesterday on...

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Posted by abohan Senin, 05 November 2012 0 komentar
NICOLE POLIZZI HELPS FOR SANDY VICTIMS!Snooki or Nicole Polizzi is such a nice person! Mrs. Polizzi tweeted some minutes ago that is on her way for Good Morning America to help for the telethon for Sandy victims! Check it out: Follow in Twitter: @IfigeniaAristidLike in Facebook: Geekly Chic WorldSuscribe in Youtube: Ifigenia Aristi...

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Geekly Chic: Disney News: LAURA MARANO TALKS FASHION etc.

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
LAURA MARANO TALKS FASHION etc. the link below to watch and hear all of Laura Marano's Fashion Talk about her as Ally and if she likes Ally's outfits. What do you think does she like them? Comment bellow to tell us.Follow in Twitter: @IfigeniaAristidLike in Facebook: Geekly Chic WorldSuscribe in Youtube: Ifigenia Aristi...

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Geekly Chic: Celebrity News: Kim Kardashian Copying Bella Thorne For Halloween?

Posted by abohan Minggu, 04 November 2012 0 komentar
Kim Kardashian Copying Bella Thorne For Halloween?Which do you like best? Write your comment below!So both girls were dressed up as "Poison Ivy" this Halloween.. Please comment bellow to tell us what you think for each.. And ofcourse which you say looks best!Follow in Twitter: @IfigeniaAristidLike in Facebook: Geekly Chic WorldSuscribe in Youtube: Ifigenia Aristi...

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Geekly Chic: Celebrity News: Kristen Stewart And Robert Pattinson Reunite In Their First Their First Interview Together Since Affair Scandal

Posted by abohan Sabtu, 03 November 2012 0 komentar
Kristen Stewart And Robert Pattinson Reunite In Their First Their First Interview Together Since Affair Scandal  Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have officially reunited for their first interview yesterday since the famous cheating scandal earlier this year! The couple plus Taylor Lautner sat down with MTV News’ Josh Horowitz, where they talked about the upcoming...

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Geekly Chic: Celebrity News

Posted by abohan Jumat, 02 November 2012 0 komentar
#RED ON TOP!  Album(Single) Cover  Congats to Taylor Swift for selling 1.2 million albums in a week! It's the first time EVER to sell this many albums in a week! Eminem's world record is officially passed and over! Good job to our girl Taylor Swift with her amazing song RED! Hear it: #RED Tell us what you think!  Many people from people Tweeted, that after "Sandy", RED,...

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