Show Laat (feat. Patty Brard): viewing figures on November 29th

Posted by abohan Sabtu, 30 November 2013 0 komentar
  Yesterday, "Show Laat" (SBS 6 Entertainment news program featuring Patty Brard, Bridget Maasland and Eric van Tijn) attracted 385.000 viewers (market share: 7.8%).  Source: Stichting KijkOnderz...

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Patty & Gerard in "Margriet"

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
  The latest issue of "Margriet" magazine features an article about Patty Brard and Gerard Joling telling their memories of "Sinterklaas" (Saint Nicholas).  Source:, Martin V...

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Patty on "Tinder"

Posted by abohan Kamis, 28 November 2013 0 komentar
Patty Brard's latest column in Weekend magazine is about "Tinder", a social discovery app that helps individuals meet new people. Tinder has caused controversy.Click here to read the column.Source: Week...

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Connie, Patty & Patricia: guest appearance on RTL 4's benefit show

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
Patricia Paay, Patty Brard and Connie BreukhovenThe trio of Dutch divas Connie Breukhoven, Patty Brard and Patricia Paay will be performing "Tomorrow" from the musical "Annie" with Gerard Joling and Gordon on RTL 4's benefit show. The aim of this concert is to raise money for a charity called "Nationaal Ouderenfonds" (the National Foundation for the Elderly (NFE) which promotes quality of...

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José: beauty makeover in "Party" magazine

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
The latest issue of "Party" magazine features an article about José Hoebee and beautiful pictures. In September, Dutch photographer and make-up artist Gerard de Haan did a photo shoot with the singer and supervised her makeover (see news posted on September 22nd 2013). The songstress discussed many subjects: her late husband, her comeback with Bonnie St. Claire, the backing tracks (used...

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Show Laat: viewing figures on November 26th / St. Nicholas movie: box-office performance

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
Kees Tol & Patty Brard on "Show Laat"* SBS 6's entertainment news program "Show Laat" (featuring Patty Brard) attracted 554.000 viewers (market share: 11.4%) on November 26th.Source: Stichting KijkOnderzoek* Here are the latest box office results of the St. Nicholas film "Sinterklaas en de Pepernoten Chaos" (featuring Gerard Joling and Patty):Position on the Box office Top 20 (from November...

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Patty on "Wie ben ik?"

Posted by abohan Selasa, 26 November 2013 0 komentar
Gordon and Patty Brard backstage at "Wie ben ik?"Yesterday, Patty Brard took part in the taping of RTL 4's game show "Wie ben ik?" as a candidate. The broadcast date has not been announced yet. The program is hosted by Wendy van Dijk. Paul de Leeuw, Richard Groenendijk, Jandino Asporaat and Gordon are permanent team members. Five years ago, "Wie Ben ik?" aired on SBS 6 and was presented by Tooske...

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Gouden Film award for "Sinterklaas en de Pepernoten Chaos"

Posted by abohan Senin, 25 November 2013 0 komentar
Film producer Kris van de Geer, Patty Brard & director Martijn van NellestijnGood news: today "Sinterklaas en de Pepernoten Chaos" (St. Nicholas movie featuring Gerard Joling and Patty Brard) has won a "Gouden Film" award in recognition of 100,000 tickets sold. The prize is an initiative by the Netherlands Film Festival and the Netherlands Film Fund to increase media attention for Dutch...

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Videos: "Bingo" (with Patty's voice-over - 1987) + José's All Around My Hat (1986)

Posted by abohan Sabtu, 23 November 2013 0 komentar
In 1986 and 1987, Patty Brard briefly hosted "Bingo", a music chart program on Flemish channel "BRT". Recently I've found a sequence from the TV show including Patty's voice-over. The former Luv' singer presented a Top 3 which consisted of Berlin's Take My Break Away, Sandra Kim's Tokyo Boy and The Communards' Don't Leave Me This Way: Moreover, a video of José Hoebee performing "All Around My...

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Special picture: Luv' at the bar (1978)

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
Amateur pictures of Luv' in their heyday are rare. Luv' fan Marco Rens sent me a beautiful photo of the girls in their "Greatest Lover" costumes dating back to 19...

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Radio 2 Top 2000 / Radio 10 Top 4000 : Vote for Luv'!!!

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
Radio 2 and Radio 10 have asked its listeners to vote for the "greatest songs of all time". * Radio 10 compiles a list of 4000 songs. Three tracks performed by Luv' have been preselected: U.O.Me, You're the Greatest Lover and Trojan Horse. Click here to vote until November 26th.* Radio 2 compiles a list of 2000 songs. In the past, "The Greatest Lover" used to be ranked in this prestigious...

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Music video: theme song from "Sinterklaas en de Pepernoten Chaos" / Box office performance

Posted by abohan Jumat, 22 November 2013 0 komentar
Patty Brard, Sinterklaas, film director Martijn van Nellestijn and Gerard Joling* The music video of the theme song from "Sinterklaas en de Pepernoten Chaos" (St. Nicholas movie featuring Gerard Joling and Patty Brard) has been uploaded to YouTube. The SBS 6 diva appears in the video. Click here to watch it. Moreover, the track performed by Joling can be downloaded for free by clicking here. Source:...

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Patty on "Show Laat": viewing figures on November 21st

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
Yesterday, SBS 6's entertainment news program "Show Laat" featured Patty Brard and drew 452.000 viewers (market share: 11%).Source: SBS 6, Kijk Onderz...

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Show Vandaag (feat. Patty): viewing figures on November 20th

Posted by abohan Kamis, 21 November 2013 0 komentar
Show Vandaag with Beau van Erven Dorens, Cynthia Abma and Patty BrardYesterday SBS 6's infotainment program "Show Vandaag" featured Patty Brard and attracted 173.000 viewers (market share: 4.2%). Source: SBS 6, Kijk Onderz...

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Magazine scans: Primero (featuring José Hoebee)

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
Recently, I reported that José Hoebee appeared in the latest issue of "Primero" magazine (see news posted on November 17th 2013). Jos Theuns (in charge of the singer's fansite) has scanned the article: Source: Primero, José Hoebee's Fan Club (Jos Theu...

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Patty's column about Sinterklaas

Posted by abohan Rabu, 20 November 2013 0 komentar
Patty Brard's latest column in Weekend Magazine deals with the controversy about the arrival of "Sinterklaas" (St. Nicholas) in Groningen on November 16th. This event was spoilt by a strange debate. Recently, there has been in the Netherlands intense discussions about the character of Zwarte Piet, Sinterklaas’ helpers who are played by white people in black-face make-up. Some critics consider...

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"Show Café" in aid of typhoon victims in Philippines

Posted by abohan Selasa, 19 November 2013 0 komentar
Patty at "Show Café"Recently, Patty Brard and other Dutch celebrities auctioned goods and services to raise money for the victims of the Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines (see news posted on November 16th 2013). Yesterday, the Netherlands held a national action day to support the relief efforts. The emergency aid bank account number "Giro 555" was first opened on November 11. SBS 6 and its presenters...

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Patty in "Vriendin": she has found wisdom...

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
Patty Brard appears in the latest issue of "Vriendin" magazine. The diva used to be turbulent. She was very extrovert on TV shows like "Patty's Posse", "De Nieuwe Uri Geller" and "Sterren Springen op Zaterdag". Now she has a quiet life with her partner Antoine. "A reality program about me like I did in the past would not be interesting. What can you film about me for God's sake?," Patty told. The...

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"All You Need Is Luv'" special: 35th anniversary

Posted by abohan 0 komentar
After the recent anniversaries of "You're the Greatest Lover", "With Luv" and "Trojan Horse", today it's time to celebrate another one: 30 years ago exactly, on November 19th 1978, TROS channel aired a 20 minute TV special entitled “All You Need Is Luv”. The fans remember very well this music program which was included on the "Back In Luv" DVD in 2006. Luv’ was a visual act. At the time...

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Bonnie & José @ "Piratenfeest Spalink"

Posted by abohan Senin, 18 November 2013 0 komentar
Picture from "Weekend Magazine" (scanned by Jos Theuns)Bonnie St. Claire & José Hoebee performed at the "Echte Piraten" show in Geesteren, NL on November 16th. A video of the duo has been uploaded on YouTube. Click here to watch it. The ladies sang "Ligt Dat Nou Aan Jou Of Aan Mij" (the Dutch cover version of ABBA's "Why Did It Have To Be Me").Source: Facebook (Yvonne...

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Posted by abohan 0 komentar
After the huge success of "You're the Greatest Lover", Luv's challenge was to choose the right follow-up and to avoid being a "one-hit wonder". Fortunately, the ladies hit once again the number one spot with "Trojan Horse". The single entered the Dutch charts on November 18th, 1978 and later did the same abroad. It eventually sold one million copies.HistoryAfter the Spanish touch of "U.O.Me" and "You're...

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